Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday gratitude post

Still crazy, although slightly less stressful this week. More snap in the air. The urge to drink cocoa and huddle under afghans is growing!

  1. creative time
  2. yummy food at my parents
  3. excellent British TV (obtained in slightly sneaky ways)

  1. remembering I have an electric heater in the garage!
  2. being woken by a cat when I forget to set my alarm
  3. chocolate

  1. my flannel comforter
  2. sitcoms that make me laugh
  3. yummy apples from a local farm

  1. donuts
  2. being able to do a little retail therapy
  3. problem solving as a team.

  1. seeing ridiculous and wonderful things on my morning walk to work
  2. positive interactions during my desk shift
  3. having handy leftovers for dinner

  1. a bagel and cream cheese
  2. people watching time while taking myself out for dinner
  3. couch time ... followed by an early bedtime!

  1. sleeping in
  2. cute new clothes
  3. cuddly toys to hug during stressful tv shows

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